admin 发表于 2016-7-12 15:52:13


云台如何搭载在飞行器上呢?How to mount gimbal to aircraft?第一种方法:通过挂载件搭载。这就要了解我们云台挂载件数据:First method :Mounted by hanginghook.So that we need to know the data of hanging hook.
1.两根云台管之间相距(外径):64mmDistance between two tubes(OD:outside diameter):64mm2.两根云台管之间相距(内径):44.2mmDistance between two tubes(ID: inner diameter):44.2mm.3.单管外径:10mmSingle tube OD:10mm可搭载在轴距为380MM 450MM 550MM 650MM 700MM 800MM这些飞行器上。以下以飞客MH-550为例:It can be mounted on wheelbase of aircraft: 380mm,450mm ,550mm ,650mm ,700mm ,800mm.Take MH-550 as an example
1.准备一个XT60 母头。Prepare a female XT60.
2.云台两个焊接线分别对齐母头正负极加锡并上热缩膜(以母头正负极标识为准:云台红线焊正极,云台黑线焊负极)。Cover shrink film with tin after gimbal’s two welding line alignfemale’s positive and negative separately.(Take female’s positive and negative asidentification: Red cable welding positive electrode,black cable welding negative electrode.)

3.准备好自己的1分2电源接头,一头连接在云台电源母头上为云台供电,另一头为飞机动力供电。Prepare 2 in 1 power connector,one side power supply for gimbalwhich connect female,another side power supply for aircraft.

4.用螺丝(云台挂载件固定螺丝)连接飞行器挂载件与云台上板后,套入云台管后锁紧螺丝(挂载件自锁螺丝)。After connect aircraft’s hanging hook and gimbal’s upper board withscrews(fixed screws for hanging hook of gimbal),insert gimbal tubeand fasten screws(self-locking screws forhanging hook)

5.组装减振球,即完成云台搭载.以下以X4-550MM通过云台挂载件搭载云台为示例。Assembly vibration dampers,then gimbal mounting is completed. In the following X4-550MM gimbal mounted by hanginghook as an example.

6.将云台电源线与天蝎底板(PCB板)上的云台焊点相焊接,红线焊正极,黑线焊负极。Welding power cable and solder joint of X4-550MM PCB.Red cablewelding positive electrode,black cable welding negativeelectrode.

7.对照云台板孔位组装减振球。通过减振球连接飞行器与云台。Reference holes position of gimbal board toaccembly vibration dampers.Connectaircraft and gimbal by vibration dampers.
8.只需2个步骤组装完成。(如上图)第二种方法:通过底板搭载。以精灵2为例:Only need 2 steps to complete assembly.(As shown above)The 2nd method:Mounted by bottom aboard.we takePhantom 2 as example.

1.云台降压模块从精灵主控板上取电:红线与红线焊在一起,黑线与黑线焊在一起。Step-down module of gimbal is powered by mainboard of Phantom 2:welding red cables together,welding black cables together.

2.在箭头指向的空白处固定好降压模块。Fixed step-down module on the blank space which the arrow points.

3.根据螺丝孔位,对云台上板进行钻孔处理,锁定螺丝固定云台上板。即可通过减振球搭载云台完成组装。~~~~准备完成,美图手到擒来......According to screws holes position, Drilling upper aboard of gimbal and fasten screws to fix it.Completeassembly after vibration dampers mounted on gimbal……Complete preparation. 飞客云台采用独立GCU芯片,高精度控制,即插即用的三轴云台。专为Gopro及同尺寸运动相机倾力打造。超高性价比与您一起换个角度看世界。Flycker use independent GCU,high precision control system ,plug-and-play 3-axis gimbal.Designed for Gopro and other same size sportscamera with high performance to price ratio. Let’s see the world from another angle !

小郭 发表于 2016-7-12 16:07:28


JokerZ 发表于 2016-7-12 16:12:43


武杰 发表于 2016-7-13 08:28:10


武杰 发表于 2016-7-14 09:41:44

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查看完整版本: 航拍云台G3-3D搭载方法--5iflying测评室